2009年7月14日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News reported the following :

国内食品最大手のキリンホールディングスと同2位のサントリーホールディグスが経営統合に向け交涉に入ったことが13日、分かった。統合が実現 すれば、ビールと清涼飲料でそりぞれ国内トップとなるほか、平成20年3月期 両社単純合算の連結売上高は3兆8200億円と、世界でも最大級の酒類. 飲料メーカーが 誕生する。 食品業界の勢力図が塗り変わるのは確実で、国際的な業界再編が加速する可能性も出てきた。. . . 統合後の両社の連結 売上高は、国内食品3位のアサヒビール (1兆4627億円) を2.6倍に達し、 世界の食品会社でも、 米飲料事業最大手のペプシコや 米総合食品大手のクラフト.フーズと肩を並べる。

The nation's biggest food company Kirin Holdings and the second biggest Suntory Holdings were considering a merger. If the merger is materialized, total beer and beverage joint sales around the country would reach 3.82 trillion yen, and becomes the world's largest wine and beverage making company. This will redraw the map in the food industry and may accelerate changes in the international food business. After merging, the total sales would be 2.6 times larger than the third largest company Asahi Breweries which has 1.46 trillion yen sales. And in the world's food industry, the new company would be comparable to the world's biggest beverage company the PesiCo, and the US food industry giant the Kraft Foods.

It seems that merger is a way out for big companies in order to stay profitable. Probably merger will continue to be the trend in the business world.

