2024年3月6日 星期三

Important ocean circulation in the Atlantic Ocean is showing signs of collapse, researchers warn (2/2)

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

大西洋の重要な海洋循環、崩壊の予兆を示しつつある 研究者ら警鐘 (2/2)

2024.02.10 Sat posted at 20:07 JST


















The effects of AMOC's collapse could be catastrophic. Temperatures in some parts of Europe could drop 30 degrees in 100 years, and the climate could change to a completely different climate in just 10 to 20 years.

The study's authors pointed out that ``no adaptation measures can realistically respond to such rapid changes in temperature.''

Meanwhile, countries in the southern hemisphere might see an acceleration of global warming. The rainy and dry seasons in the Amazon could be reversed, with serious consequences for the ecosystem.

Van Westen said sea levels could rise by about 1 meter.

Stefan Rahmstorf, a marine physicist at the Potsdam University in Germany who was not involved in the paper, called the research results a ``major advance in the science of AMOC stability.'' He ``confirms that there is a tipping point where the AMOC may collapse if the North Atlantic becomes diluted with fresh water.''

Previous studies had shown the existence of tipping points, but they used much simpler models. Among the scientists, some had hoped that there would be no tipping point in a complex model. The study, he said, shattered that hope.

Joel Hirschi, an ocean system modeler at the UK's National Oceanography Centre who was involved in the formation of marine system model, commented that relatively small amount of freshwater entering the ocean could switch the AMOC from "on" to "off", and it was the first study presented with a complex climate model.

However, there were some points to be aware of; even though it was a complex model, the resolution was still low, and there might be limitations as a model in some ocean currents.

In recent years, a growing number of studies had suggested that AMOC might be approaching a tipping point.

A 2021 study showed that AMOC was at its weakest in 1,000 years. A paper published in July last year caused controversy by warning that AMOC could collapse as early as 2025.

However, there was still a great deal of uncertainty. Jeffrey Kargel of the Planetary Science Institute in Arizona, on the theory that AMOC was about to shut down, thought that until we know what was happening, it would continue to be controversial.

When talking about the possibility of AMOC's collapse, so to speak it might correspond to "among the wild fluctuations in the stock market, one occasion could be a harbinger of a major crash," and to acknowledge that it would be nearly impossible to determine which changes could be reversible and which might be a harbinger of disaster.

Hirsi said that although recent data showed fluctuations in AMOC's strength, there was no observational evidence that a decline had occurred yet. He noted that `` as the climate continues to warm, whether or not the AMOC will suddenly change as it has in the past is an important question that remains unanswered.''

Rahmstorf said this research was one filling piece in that puzzle. The study was" fueling fears that the collapse of the AMOC could happen in the not-too-distant," and added that "If we ignore this risk, we do so at our peril."

              So, in the Atlantic Ocean, sea water that moves northward at the surface and move southward at deep down may already be on its way to collapse. This collapse could have a serious impact on sea level rise and temperature changes in many parts of the world. It seems that so far, the melting of ice sheets in Antarctica and the collapse of AMOC are the two more noticeable geographical changes at sea as global warming is continuing.


The Planetary Science Institute is a 501 non-profit research institute based in Tucson, Arizona, focusing on planetary science. As of 2018, its director is Dr. Mark V. Sykes. (Wikipedia)

