2020年7月10日 星期五

The Hong Kong National Security Bill was passed, China watered down the “One country, two systems”

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun Electronic Edition reported the following:

香港国家安全法案を可決 中国「一国二制度」骨抜き


2020/6/30 10:56 (2020/6/30 13:34更新)











[Beijing = Haneda Nonushi, Hong Kong = Yuji Kihara] The standing committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), which was equivalent to the National Assembly of China, passed the "Hong Kong National Security Maintenance Bill" on the 30th, which strengthened control by the Chinese government over Hong Kong. Tan Yaozong, member of the standing committee of the NPC elected from Hong Kong, announced this at a press conference. The Chinese government had set up a new security agency in Hong Kong to contain radical protests.

Xi Jinping leadership, in order to counter the protests that spread from the summer of 2019, had been considering the enactment of the law. The enactment of the new law could greatly strengthen the involvement of the central government, and there was concern that the “One country, two system” that allowed high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong would be shaken.

The Hong Kong government planned to implement it on July 1st, the anniversary of the return of Hong Kong, where a demonstration was held every year for democracy. Criminal responsibility for crimes was stipulated in the four categories of state splitting, subversion of government, terrorist activities, and acts of colluding with foreign powers to harm national security, keeping in mind that young people in Hong Kong might again engage in radical protests.

The Chinese government had established a new “National Security Service Office” in Hong Kong as a security maintenance agency to handle the collection and analysis of information related to national security, and the handling of criminal cases that threaten national security. The National Security Service supposed that, "Under certain circumstances, we will exercise jurisdiction over the very few crimes that would endanger national security." It was assumed that the Chinese government's security agencies could directly crack down on protests in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong government would establish a new “National Security Maintenance Committee” headed by the Chief Executive. It would be supervised by the Chinese government and advisors were dispatched to get involved.

In Hong Kong, many judges of foreign nationality had secured “judicial independence”. A judge who heard cases involving the National Security Law would now be appointed by the Chief Executive who was the top Hong Kong government. There was a concern that the judgments of foreign nationals might be eliminated and the judgment would always be closer to China. If there was a conflict with other laws in Hong Kong, the provisions of the Hong Kong National Security Act now would prevail and the right to interpret the law would be held by the NPC.

The new law was expected to be added exceptionally to the annex of the “Hong Kong Basic Law,” which was equivalent to the Hong Kong constitution, and would take effect without the deliberation of the Hong Kong Legislative Council (Parliament).

The NPC Executive Committee generally met once every two months. In principle, China's "legislation" stipulates deliberation three times, but this bill had just been deliberated on the 18th to 20th. Passing it within 10 days was something unusual.

On July 18, registration of candidates for the Hong Kong Legislative Council to be held in September would begin. It was likely that Xi's leadership was rushing the whole thing was aiming at curbing Hong Kong's protests and democratic election campaigns.

              So, the “One country, two systems” for Hong Kong as promised by China is broken. Let’s see what the international community will do in response to this.

