2020年7月7日 星期二

Arctic town recorded the highest heat in history at 38 degrees - Russia Far East

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

北極圏の町で38度、史上最高の暑さを記録 ロシア極東

2020.06.23 Tue posted at 17:00 JST

(CNN) ロシア極東の北極圏内に位置するシベリアの町、ベルホヤンスクで20日、気温が史上最高の38度を記録した。






(CNN) A Siberian town Verkhoyansk, located in the Arctic Circle of the Russian Far East, on the 20th recorded a temperature of 38 degrees, the highest ever.

Verkhoyansk was also known as the "Cold pole" of the world, and in 1892 the lowest temperature of 67.7 degrees below freezing was reported. The average maximum temperature in June was 20 degrees.

According to the European Commission (EC) Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), temperature in Siberia was characterized by significant monthly and yearly changes, but since last year had been significantly above the long term average.

The increase in forest fires was also noticeable, and on the 22nd multiple fires were confirmed in the vicinity of the Arctic Circle in satellite images.

According to C3S, the average temperature last month was the highest since the start of observations in 1979, and the river came to a thaw unusual early. Due to the melting of permafrost, there was also an accident in which a large amount of diesel fuel leaked from the tanks.

So, it is another proof that there is a global warming. I think the melting of permafrost could pose a serous challenge to human activities in the vicinity.

