2023年6月17日 星期六

New York City sinks under the weight of buildings - Experts warn of flooding threats

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

ニューヨーク、ビル群の重さで沈む 洪水の脅威に専門家警鐘

2023.05.24 Wed posted at 12:45 JST

(CNN) 米ニューヨーク市はビル群の重さで徐々に地盤沈下が進んでいるという研究結果を、米地質調査所などの研究チームが学術誌に発表した。












(CNN) New York City was slowly sinking due to the weight of its buildings according to a study result of a research team, such as the U.S. Geological Survey, which was published in an academic journal.

Sea levels around New York City were rising more than twice as fast as the rest of the world and were projected to rise another 20 to 76 centimeters by 2050.

Moreover, due to the impact of climate change, disasters such as hurricanes that brought heavy rains were expected to increase in frequency.

Author of the paper Tom Parsons of the U.S. Geological Survey said "We're still a long way off from seeing the ocean coming in," and pointed out that “In major hurricanes like Sandy and Ida that hit New York, urban areas were flooded by heavy rains, allowing water to enter due to the effects of urbanization."

The paper aimed to show that for high-rise buildings along coastlines, rivers and lakes could be a potential source of future flooding, and to highlight the need for measures to limit the damage.

The research team calculated the weight of 1,084,954 (at that time) buildings in New York City's 5th district had a total of approximately 762 billion kilograms. That was the equivalent of about 1.9 million fully loaded Boeing 747-400s.

Using the results of this simulation, the effect of the weight of the building on the ground was calculated by comparing it with satellite data that showed the geological conditions of the actual ground surface. As a result, the sinking was about 1 to 2 mm per year on average, and in some places, it reached up to 4.5 mm.

Another study in September 2022 found that 44 of the 48 most populous coastal cities had areas where land subsidence would outpace sea-level rise. The study this time focused on the weight of buildings in New York City and investigated how the weight would affect land subsidence.

However, buildings were not the only cause of land subsidence. Parsons said “There's something to do with very soft soils and where construction is being done on man-made landfills”; and explained that “Land subsidence is difficult to explain in some places. There are various issues such as the melting of glaciers and the pumping up of groundwater."

Some places, like lower Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens, were sinking at a faster-than-average rate. "We believe some of it has to do with construction projects going on," he said. "But we're also seeing land subsidence in the north of Staten Island. We can't explain it, and we've looked at all the factors, but it's still a mystery."  (Mr. Parsons)

Parsons said, land subsidence could cause flooding, and "it's a global problem." A study of 99 cities around the world by a research team at the University of Rhode Island found that the majority had problems with land subsidence. Indonesia's capital Jakarta was rapidly subsiding, so the government had come up with a plan to relocate the capital.

So, New York City is slowly sinking due to the weight of its buildings according to research results. It seems that many coastal cities will face relocation problems in the coming decades as sea level is rising due to global warming.


