2020年1月20日 星期一

The number of people returning driving license - a record high in Tokyo

Recently NHK News On-line reported the following:
免許返納者 東京では過去最多に
1228日 1816









The number of people returning their driver's licenses in Tokyo became the highest ever, following a series of traffic accidents by elderly drivers nationwide.

The Metropolitan Police Department had been working on encouraging driving licence returning, and expressed that they "hope the opportunity of family gathering during year-end-and-new year holidays would be used to do consultation."

In April, a number of traffic accidents occurred that were caused by elderly drivers nationwide, including a car driven recklessly by an elderly driver in Ikebukuro of Tokyo that killed a parent and a child.

According to the Metropolitan Police Department, the number of people returning driver's licenses in Tokyo had been increasing, mainly among the elderly following this accident, and the number reached 60,119 last month.

This was the highest number ever, exceeding the number of people in 2017 which was the highest at that time by about 14,000.

The Metropolitan Police Department was working on encouraging the returns; and from this month, police had been accepting license returned by representatives at police stations around the city.

An application by an agent required a letter of attorney etc., which could also be downloaded from the Police Department's website.

The Metropolitan Police Department had called out that “people who are worried about driving, even for a brief moment, to consider returning their permits; and to discuss this on the occasion of family gatherings during the year-end-and-new-year holidays.”

     It is surprising to know that so many road accidents had been caused by old age drivers in Japan.

