2009年10月11日 星期日


Recently the Mainichi News reported the following:

広島市と長崎市がオリンピック招致検討委員会を共同設置する方針を固めたことが10日、明らかになった。メーン開催地は広島にして、2020年の夏季五輪招致を目指す。秋葉忠利・広島市長と田上富久・長崎市長が11日、広島市で記者会見して発表する。 両市が中心となり、全世界の約3100都市で作る「平和市長会議」(会長、秋葉広島市長)が2020年までの核兵器廃絶を訴える「ヒロシマ・ナガサキ議定書」を発表しており、この議定書に合わせ、20年に平和の祭典である五輪を被爆地両市で共同開催することを狙う。 秋葉広島市長は昨年9月15日付の市広報紙のコラムで「広島と長崎で共同開催したいという『夢』をお届けしたい」と記し、「古代ギリシャでのオリンピックの精神である『平和の祭典』に、より忠実な形でのオリンピックを復活させることは出来ないものでしょうか。今年9月の記者会見で「2020年の核兵器廃絶実現後、広島と長崎での五輪開催が夢だ」とも発言している。 広島市は周辺市町とともに94年、第12回アジア競技大会を開催、42カ国・地域が参加している。 

On the 10th it was known that Hiroshima and Nagasaki had decided to jointly set up the Olympics bidding advisory committee. The main venue would be Hiroshima, and they aimed at the Olympic Summer Games invitation in 2020. [Chuuri] Akiba, the Hiroshima mayor, and Tagami [tomihisashi] the Nagasaki mayor announced in a press conference on 11th in the Hiroshima city. With both cities as the center, "Hiroshima Nagasaki protocol" was announced by the "Peaceful mayor conference" (chairman: mayor of Hiroshima Akiba) that consisted of about 3100 cities from all parts of the world for the purpose of appealing for the complete abolition of nuclear weapon by 2020. Together with that protocol, they aimed at co-hosting the festival of peace with the Olympics in 20 in both cities that had suffered from the atomic explosion. The mayor of Hiroshima Akiba noted in the newspaper column in the city PR brochure of September 15 last year that "I want to deliver a 'Dream' in that he wanted to co-host the Olympics in Hiroshima and Nagasaki". "Cannot the Olympics be revived to its more faithful shape of 'Festival of peace' which was the spirit of the Olympics in ancient Greece?" At the press conference held in September this year it was said: "After the achievement of the abolition of nuclear weapon in 2020, to have the Olympics held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a dream". Hiroshima City held the 12th Asian Games in 94 with the towns surrounding the city, and 42 countries and regions had participated.

Politically or economically, I think Japan has good reasons to try to hold the Olympics in 2020.

