2018年3月22日 星期四

To produce liquid milk in the country: a plan on sanitary standard was being compiled

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
液体ミルク 国内で製造を 衛生基準案まとまる
313 818






My translation

Regarding the sales of liquid milk for babies that did not take the time and effort to dissolve in hot water like powdered milk, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare suggested its production in the country and for the first time a plan on sanitation guidelines was complied. Individual domestic dairy business manufacturing company had received a copy and their policy to carry out research and development to commercialize it was in full swing.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in suggesting the production and sales of liquid milk for babies in the country for the first time compiled a plan of sanitation guidelines for manufacturers and it was shown in an ad hoc meeting on the 12th. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare had estimated that at the earliest by around the summer of this year, the ministerial ordinance would be revised. When this was accepted, for each domestic dairy business manufacturing company, the policy on research and development for the commercialization of liquid milk would formally get into full swing.

But because compared with powdered milk, a nutrient composition in liquid milk tend to be lost easier as time passed, the technical development to make sure that it could be stored for long periods of time would be a problem for commercialization. A new product line would also be necessary because liquid milk production technique would be different from powdered milk. That being the case, it was expected that they would become expensive and how to cut cost would be a problem.

"Meiji" as the largest manufacturing company expected that it would take several years to actually commercialize such a thing.

Ryunosuke Ono the group chief of the Nutritional Sales Department of "Meiji" said that "due to changes in social environment the needs for liquid milk are felt. I would like to consider pushing forward commercialization according to the development of legislations."

   It seems that there are lots of hurdles to overcome before liquid milk could be ready for the market.

