2010年2月18日 星期四


Recently NHK reported the following:


Based on the Revised Organ Transplant Law to be enforced in July this year, if the intention of the patient himself to refuse to offer the internal organs was not indicated, organ donations after the brain death could proceed with the approval of the patient's family. On the 18th the Working Group of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, regarding the method of confirming the refusal, decided that it would be adequate if the transplant coordinator could confirm the understanding of the family and the details in the wish expression card.
Regarding the Revised Organ Transplant Law to be enforced in July this year, the Working Group of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare had been carrying out discussions on ways to handle offering of internal organs due to the brain death based on the family's approval, and on ways to confirm that there was no intention to refuse to offer internal organs. As a result, knowing that it was impossible to examine all documents left by a person in question, it was decided that as a policy it would be enough for the transplant coordinator to confirm whether an intention to refuse was shown in the donor registration card, and in the homepage of Japan Organ Transplant Network, besides confirming the understandings of the family. In the Revised Organ Transplant Law, 15-year-old child could offer internal organs due to brain death, but the young child's intention of refusal would be effective if such an intention had been shown. It was decided that if the person in question had not shown intention to refuse, the range of the family who could approve the offer of internal organs would be, as a rule, the married couple, the parent and child, the grandparent and grand son, and the cohabiting relative.

Its seems that the new laws on organs donation will permit more donations to take place.

