2019年9月20日 星期五

Apple “iPhone 11” announced, price remains unchanged for top models

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
アップル「iPhone 11」発表、上位機種は価格据え置き
2019.09.11 Wed posted at 12:44 JST

アップル「iPhone 11」発表

サンフランシスコ(CNN Business) 米アップルは10日に開いた記者発表会で、スマートフォン「iPhone」の新モデルを発表した。

新しいiPhoneは、高性能モデルの「iPhone 11 Pro」「iPhone 11 Pro Max」と、価格を抑えた「iPhone 11」の3機種。それぞれiPhone XS、XS Max、XRの後継となる。


iPhone 11 ProとPro Maxは背面に3台のカメラを搭載。アップルによると、バッテリー持続時間は11 ProがXSに比べて4時間長くなり、Pro MaxはXS Maxに比べて5時間長くなった。


米国での販売価格はiPhone 11 Proが999ドルから、Pro Maxは1099ドルから。これまでのXSおよびXS Maxと同じ価格に据え置いた。


iPhone 11の値段を699ドルに抑え、昨年発売したXRの749ドルより安く設定したのは、そうした市場の変化を認識した対応と思われる。


同社は新しいスマートウォッチの「Apple Watch Series 5」やタブレット「iPad」の第7世代の端末も発表。また、新たに継続課金のサービスも打ち出し、ゲームやオリジナルドラマのストリーミングサービスをそれぞれ月額4.99ドルで楽しめるという。


2019.09.11 Wed posted at 12:44 JST

San Francisco (CNN Business) -- Apple at the press conference held on the 10th announced a new model of the smartphone - "iPhone".

The new iPhone was a high-performance model of “iPhone 11 Pro”, “iPhone 11 Pro Max”, and “iPhone 11” with a lower price. It would be the successor to iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR, respectively.

All of them were having improved battery life, camera performance, and hardware performance, but the appearance was not much different from the previous model.

iPhone 11 Pro and Pro Max were equipped with 3 cameras on the back. According to Apple, the battery duration of 11 Pro was 4 hours longer than XS, and Pro Max was 5 hours longer than XS Max.

Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, described the Pro model as “the most powerful and most advanced iPhone”.

Prices in the US range from $ 999 for iPhone 11 Pro and $ 1099 for Pro Max. The price was the same as the previous XS and XS Max.

The company's iPhone business unit sales had continued to decline by two digits for the last three consecutive quarters. It took longer for consumers to buy new devices, and demand in China was declining due to the US-China trade war.

The price of iPhone 11 was kept at $ 699 and was set to be cheaper than the $ 749 of XR released last year. This seemed to be a response that recognized such market changes.

The new iPhone would start accepting orders from the 13th and would be sold at stores on the 20th.

The company also announced the 7th generation devices of the new smart watch “Apple Watch Series 5” and the tablet “iPad”. In addition, a new continuous billing service had been launched, streaming services for games and original dramas could be enjoyed for a monthly fee of $ 4.99.

     So, Apple is hoping to use a new model iPhone to boost up its declining sales.

