2015年5月5日 星期二


A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
指差し会話ブック:イラストで意思疎通 群馬の飲食店に
毎日新聞 20150309日 2111分(最終更新 0309日 2209分)

In order that communication with foreign visitors could be done smoothly in restaurants, Gunma prefecture’s Restaurant Business Life Hygiene Trade Association had made a "Pointing conversation book" to enhance the dialogue by pointing at an illustration. It was set up in 2,000 shops in the prefecture.

 Because there were famous spa at Kusatsu and Ikaho etc. and the Tomioka Silk Mill was the world's cultural and natural heritage, a decision was made noting that foreigner tourists were increasing. Along with the illustrations, the different kinds of dishes were being translated into English, Chinese, Korean and Thai.

 It consisted of every situation from entering into the shop to making payments. A lot of heart felt "hospitality" tips were being laid out such as business hours, differentiation on smoking and no-smoking, cooking ingredient and the recipe, types of tableware, and even conversation example on "Where is the restroom"?

So tourists will feel more comfortable when they communicate with the shop keepers etc. through these picture books.

