2010年12月1日 星期三


Recently the NHK News reported the following:

In order to unsettle the political power of Imyonbaku in South Korea whose attitude had stiffened after Yonpyon Island received bombardment from North Korea, the intelligence agency, the National Information Academy in South Korea on the first showed the view that "The possibility of a further attack is high".

As an intelligence agency of South Korea, the director of National Information Academy Mr. Won Sefun attended the Committee on Information of the Diet on the first, and reported on the North Korea's bombardment at Yonpyon Island. Although the Committee on Information was a closed door meeting, according to Diet members who had attended, in the meeting Director Won explained that the background of this bombardment by North Korea was to shift the criticism in North Korea over the father-to-son power transfer, and its stringent economy, in addition to the haste improvement of South Korea's international position through the holding of last month's G20 summit. On top of that director Won, noting that North Korea was try to unsettle Imyonbaku's political power whose attitude had stiffened after the bombardment, showed the view that "The possibility of a further attack is high". In order to suppress new provocation from North Korea, for the South Korea army, it had scheduled its own artillery training to be carried out on the sixth of this month which followed the joint military exercise with the U.S. Army finished on the first of this month. As for the National Information Academy, it would do its best to collect and analyse information concerning the trend of North Korea in the future.

So, according to the experts in South Korea, the chance for them to receive further provocation is high.

