2010年11月4日 星期四


Recently FNN News reported the following:

On the 5th before dawn, the collision image between a Chinese fishing boat and the patrol boat of Japan Coast Guard happened at the coast of Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture had flowed out on the Internet.
The officials of the Japan Coast Guard admitted that this image was a genuine collision image.
On September 7, because Japan Coast Guard had arrested the captain of the Chinese fishing boat that collided with two patrol boats of the Japan Coast Guard off the coast of Senkaku Islands, it developed into a diplomatic issue.
Regarding this footage, it was open only a limited number of the assembly members in the Diet, and it was not open to the general public.
The prow of a Chinese fishing boat started colliding with the port side stern of patrol boat Yonakuni, then accelerated and ran away from the right side of Yonakuni afterwards.
In the second collision, the fishing boat, at the starboard of patrol boat Mizuki, and for a short while moving in parallel, then hit the rear right side of Mizuki.
Prof. Yamada of Tokai University that specialized in Oceanography saw this image and said 「As for the contact with Mizuki, the mark of ship passing and the mark of the wave indicated that there was a cut to the left of the rudder. The hull had been in contact by intention and moreover, the small damage to the side of the fishing boat shows signs of contact. 」

I hope the footage would not further add fuel to the Senkaku conflict.

