2009年3月12日 星期四


香港電台製作的 '香港歷史系列' 第二集 '辛亥革命在香港' 講及孫中山先生. 在芸芸眾多有關孫中山的書籍中, 我較喜歡的是一本由法語翻譯的書: Marie-Clarie Bergere, translated by Janet Lloyd Sun Yat-sen (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1998). 它的其中一些主要論點抄錄如下:

The Sun Yat-sen who emerges from a factual account is a muddled politician, an opportunist with generous but confused ideas, interested first and foremost in conquest and power games. This Sun made little impression on the course of history. . . the power of decison eluded him. Nor was he a great theroist. His doctrine of the Three Principles of the People had neither the originality nor the intellectual rigor of either Marxsim or the great political texts of Chinese Reform - by men like Kan Youwei and Liang Qichao. . . The real Sun Yat-sen . . . is a figure of the contempory world: a communicator, a kind of media genius (pages 4-5). His extreme geographic mobility nurtured his equally great versatility of mind and temperament. He could cross cultural boundaries as easily as geographical ones, adapt to all societies, all types of men. . . [He] always on the lookout for partners and allies, he tried his luck with Chinese warlords and American bankers, the French military and the Japanese bureaucracy. . . he recruited his friends among adventurers, fixers, outsiders, idealists, and extremists rejected by their own societies (pages 6-7).

